Wednesday, April 7, 2010

services are in, building licence is out!

well, it looks like things are underway. the plumber AND the electrician have been on site over the last 2 days, and have laid down the sewerage plumbing and the electrical/comms wiring in our trench. we even have a meter box!!

the bad news is that after being advised 3 weeks ago that our building licence was squared away and ready to pick up, yesterday the builder was refused the licence with no explanation. on further investigation it seems that yet another civil servant had become involved, and he has asked for a whole bunch of new information to be provided before he will sign off on the licence. no problems providing the info, just wish it had been requested weeks/months before, or that we had not been told the process was complete. anyway, most of it has been provided bar a soil test, which i am following up as i type. so maybe site-works will start next week...?

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